We offer leather bags handcrafted here in our Boston studio plus a small selection of tote bags and pouches in other materials made by other designers.
Stitch and Tickle bags include pocketbooks, tote bags, crossbody, messenger bags, fanny packs, clutches, wallets and whatever other bags inspiration led us to! We use high quality Italian leather as well as hides imported from Germany or South America. Each bag is made one by one, cut by hand and sewn either by hand or on an industrial machine in the studio by Sophie Truong, the founder and owner of Stitch and Tickle. On occasion, we offer one-of-a-kind bags but most bags can be made again in different leathers, just enquire.
We carry little inventory and a lot of the bags are made to order. Please allow 1-3 weeks for making when the item is out of stock, but please let us know if you yare in a rush, we're always happy to accommodate your deadlines when possible.